I have two rascals – Malcolm and Angus.
Malcolm is a hypervigilant, highly intelligent, and angry bunny. Angus, by contrast, is a simple foodie. I got them on a whim, so did not realise what I had gotten myself into. I did not expect to grow so fond of them, or that I would learn so much from them.
Ruthlessly Stand Your Ground (even when you are scared)
Malcolm taught me this – to let fear hold you firm and strong. He catches himself fleeing when scared or threatened, but then he halts and stomps his hind foot to show that he is the boss. A friend once brought a dog into the room, about five times his size, and Malcolm stood his ground. Firm. He looked at the Samoyed (a dog breed) and taught me how courage does not mean the absence of fear.
You don’t get if you don’t ask.
If Malcolm is the brains of their tag-team operation, Angus is the face. Being fully in touch with his inner self, Angus is a charmer. He periscopes (stands on his hind legs) in a begging position and asks for treats. He knows perfectly well that the chances of him getting another will be doubled if he gets Malcolm to periscope with him. And it works. Angus taught me to shamelessly ask, even if the risk of rejection is there.
Angus is a simple bunny. He does not ask for much, really. He just wants pats and treats. He counts his blessings every day, with blessing comes in the amount of treats he fools out of me.
Be authentic
The boys do not have social masks. Nor do they play different roles with different people. They remain true to themselves and to others. They have no qualms in showing how they feel, and they don’t chase validation in the way we do. While they have their own way of interacting socially between themselves, they have shown me how freeing authenticity can be. It is liberating because it shows self-acceptance, without the need to be someone we are not.